Monday, April 26, 2010


In order to stimulate myself, in a non-masturbatory manner, I have decided to contribute to the plethora of trite e-formation, that is ever-increasingly available on the world wide web, with my very own *cringe* blog. I am well aware that the world does not need another blog, nor me to contribute any more of my skewed, if not disturbing, perspectives. But I do, however, feel none-the-less compelled to put my ideas out onto the weber-nets. Most of this desire stems from my discontent with the overwhelming amounts of plebeian fuck-tards publishing inferior content to quell their similar compulsion to express themselves as if someone cares.

This blog (like most) will not be significant, profound, or remotely life altering; especially to anyone who gets me enough to actually be interested in reading any of my diatribes. Instead, it will probably contain mostly bitching, whining, complaining, and every so often my righteously loving something off due to its extreme awesomeness. (Ir*)Regardless I hope it provides you some sort of entertainment, even if it is at my expense, but mostly I just want your attention because I am a vain narcissist who apparently does not have enough to do in his life.

*This is a blanket warning that I will be making up words, and/or using regional dialects and slang for the purposes of humor. I will try to make them obvious so you do not feel the urge to lecture me on my (Hang)glish.